MAY 2024

All human chaos stems from people seeking externally found love sources in winning.

We are born alone and die alone what we win or lose has nothing to do with our abilities to truly love ourselves.

Society and all segments that scream I love you and winning matters are all the same. It is winning matters that is destroying the world.

We represent truly loving ourselves to truly love others and not basing our self-worth on what is won or lost. Winning doesn’t matter, but losing on purpose is self-hating and negative.

This is positive energy domination.

The study and application of frees your mind, body, and soul. Society thinks destroying your abilities to truly love yourself in order to win is heroic. It is suicidal and not heroic.

This is why we have wars and all celebrities are false idols. The Olympics for example create world wars not world peace. This is why Hitler required all Nazi Germans to hang a swastika or Olympic rings flag during the Berlin Games.

Winners run the world and winners are incapable of understanding winning doesn't matter and why they are negative.

We are the cure for humanity. We have dedicated our lives to the study of winning doesn’t matter and use our networks to educate others through our channels, music, books, podcasts, fashion, and through setting examples all of which society hates.

But look at society and know in the future what exactly people will see as what created all human suffering.

Seeking Shut'em Down Soldiers to help us promote our advanced human futuristic world peace psychology TLO winning doesn’t matter.

We obviously have no jealousy, envy, ego, racism, sexism, or negative energy towards peaceful and positive life forms.

Self-love winning matters is what society is pushing and this is a bad spinoff of our movement do not be fooled. How jealous are you in sex? How much does winning matter to you? If you are jealous or get angry when you lose you have TLO issues and you will also believe winning is all that matters. Time will shatter your illusions and you will eventually fail the test of life.

All this knowledge was gained from our heroic journey and it is all true. If you understand this you are extremely rare society 99.9% of it completely disagrees or can not handle winning doesn’t matter which is why everyday the world burns.

Ai artificial intelligence and those who create it are clueless about TLO. Nobody is intelligent who hates themselves, thinks winning matters, and screams I love you including artifical intelligence. They are negative and will eliminate themselves from our Universe.

We are the future and nothing else.

StlnUndrgrnd Fashion Co.



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